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On the following pages I have posted the scam letters in chronological order

They start out ok but  quickly change.

  Letter # 2

Hi, Tim! It is me, Arina. The first thing, I want to do, - to say
''thank you'' for your answer! I was sincerely glad to receive your
answer, and I am very grateful to you that you have found time for
to me. I sincerely hope that you still remember me. I have written to
the small letter, and you have answered. Unfortunately I could not
you in time as I use not a personal computer, and I have access to this
computer not always. Please, forgive me for inopportuneness of my
I do hope that your heart is open for new friends, because my heart is
really open, and I'll be glad to talk to you. Unfortunately I at all
opportunity to answer you instantly. I hope you are not offended.
Please, forgive me for my delay. I am very glad that you have written
to me.
I know that right now I must write at least the most important things
about myself. And I should admit that I feel uncertainty because I very
much want to find the friend, but my desire is diluted with absence of
experience in dialogue via Internet. But I am sure that time will help
and you, if you feel the same. As you already know, my name is Arina.
my nationality is Russian. To be honest, I was afraid that you will not
write to me, being disappointed in my nationality and the residence.
if you think that cultural differences are the obstacle for friendship;
if my nationality have saddened you; if the distance for you is the
thing in a friendship and relations, I'll try to understand you. But
I sincerely think that for friendship there are no borders and
That is why I want to communicate with you, and I sincerely hope that
too will be glad to have the female friend from Russia. Have you ever
in Russia, Tim? I live in the North-Caucasian area of Russia - in
Stavropol Territory. I live in small settlement Rog. Large cities which
are located close to Rog are Budyonnovsk, Cherkessk, Pyatigorsk,
Kislovodsk, Nalchik. Tim, I am not the wonderful American woman who
lives nearby to you, but I as well have the soul and kind heart, like
woman I have the tears when someone gives me a pain; I as well have a
smile on my face when I am glad. And I hope very much that your
in woman does not submit to distances and borders. Tim, I am sure
that presence of my picture in the letter made you look at my picture
before you began to read my letter, am I wrong? (smile). Perhaps you
interested in the other type of women and perhaps my appearance does
satisfy your interest. But I hope that my appearance will be pleasant
you. My eyes are blue. My height is 172 sm (I think it is 5,6 feet).
My weight, if I'm not mistaken - 116 pounds. I am 30 years old. My
is January, 5 1975. I got the higher education and the degree of dental
specialist. I work as the dental specialist (dentist) in small clinic.
Tim, I feel that I should finish my letter because I even don't know
if you are still interested in dialogue with me or not. But before I
finish, I want to tell you that I have written to you not for fun. And
though I had strong desire to try to find the friend via the Internet,
however I did not want to turn it into simply a game. I for the first
in my life try such a communication, and this decision is a brave
for me. I have written to you and I am glad that you have answered,
because if you have not answered, I don't know when again I would find
enough boldness in myself,- to try to find the friend in such a way.
I the usual woman, I try to enjoy what I have. But in my 30 years old
I know this life, I know enough to understand that happiness is not
defined by things which surround us and which we have. I like my life,
I have various things, I have own apartment, I have a profession, I
interests and hobbies, I have heart and reason. But I will lie to
if I will tell that I am happy, because actually I need another. Not
material world makes people happy, at least for me it is really so.
I could not find mutual understanding that is so important for me. And
very much want to have the man, the partner and the friend of course.
Friendship is above all because in my opinion the friendship is a base
any relations. And I have sincere aspiration to try to find out more
you. I hope you have interest in our dialogue just as I. We have the
chance to learn each other, to try to find the friend in each other,
maybe more. Who knows. But if you think that I am not worthy of you,
you have no desire to talk to me anymore, please, at least, write me
about it.
Assuming that you will write me again, can I ask you some questions?
Simply I would be glad to find out where do you work, and do you like
your work? Where is your home? What kind of music do you like, and,
in general, what are your interests? It a banal questions certainly,
wouldn't you like to know about me the same things as well? (Smile).
And by the way, I will be glad to have your pictures! Therefore do not
hesitate to send me sometimes your pictures! Thank you! I hope you want
to talk to me and I hope to get your answer. I hope vainly? (Smile).
With the best regards.



Letter #3

Hi Tim!
I was so glad to receive your letter! Thank you. You have answered and
means that your heart is open for new friends. I think it's Great,
the friendship brighten life of people. The new events, new people, any
changes, new ideas and thoughts are refresh soul. That is why I was so
glad to see that you again have written to me. Probably you have
noticed that I'm not able to keep my emotions inside of me. Of course I
talking about joy, about good mood, about all good and positive things
that can be in my soul. I always try to share my joy with other people,
try to give my smile and good mood to all people. I try to never show
people that I am grieved or I have any problems in a life. Therefore
people, with whom I work and communicate are sure that everything in my
life is perfectly, that I am a happy woman, that I have no any
disappointments, that all my dreams always come true and success always
accompanies me. But unfortunately it is not so, because when the person
lonely, nothing can cure sadness. And if you ever felt the same, of
you understand what I am speaking about. Tim, I must tell that I try
to write in English as good as possibly (within my knowledges). But
I don't know how you perceive my English. I hope you understand all
I write. I study English already for more than 18 years, but taking
account that I study this language in the Russian-speaking country,
I understand that my English is not quite correct. Therefore I ask you
not punish me for my mistakes (Smile). Earlier I dreamed to be the
linguist or the translator. Well, I've become the dental specialist,
I always was studing your language with the big pleasure. And I am
that I have chosen the English language for studying, because the
knowledge of English has allowed me to estimate the full luxury and
of wonderful poetry of English-speaking musicians. I very much like the
western music. Pink Floyd is a Greatest band. And each of soloists of
band is unique. I like Dire Straits, Sting, Kylie Minogue, George
and many other delightful musicians. In Russia as well there are many
musicians, but probably you don't know about it (smile). Well, I think
that there are many others things about myself that I must tell.
In general, if to speak about my nature, I must tell that I'm the
versatile person. I have various interests. I like sports, I like
I like to listen to music, to watch movie. I like Sixth Sense, Rainman,
Stepmother, A Perfect World, Scent of a Woman, Ladder 49. Of course, I
list all movies I like - too many good films have been made in your
I like to cook, I knit warm clothes. Actually, here in any settlement
each woman can knit. And I'm not exception. I like camping, swimming.
I have no children and I was never married, though of course I was in
relationship and even thought that it will lead me to the happy future.
But now I haven't anything except of bad and painful memoirs. But I
live with
a smile on my face and with hope in my heart. I think I am optimist.
maybe my optimism has helped me to dare to write you. I do not need
things to be happy. All I need is a man, friend, soul-mate. My life has
led me to the fact that now I seeks it in such a way. And I do not
it is bad. Tim, what are the basic features of your character?
I never tried to describe to somebody my character in the letter. And I
no idea how to do it. But if there is anything you want to know, I will
tell you with pleasure of course. I really can tell that I have the
heart, and I am the good listener. I'm an absolutely kind person though
the same time I am a proud woman; I always appreciated sincerity,
and frankness; I am a loyal person and I always have respect to people.
I am able to forgive and I do not recognize anger. All this are the
features of my character,- the features, which I self can see in
Tim, what you are looking for in a woman? How often you tried to find
a friend or soul-mate via Internet? Probably you have many female
in the Internet. What else to tell about myself as I have a little
I use computer at the clinic. I work from Monday till Friday. But
I work Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, maybe I will be able to write
letters in weekends, if you want (smile). This computer is located
in cabinet of medical analyses. We get the access to the Internet only
few times in day, for sending analyses and receiving result. Well,
now this computer will be used for my dialogue with Tim! (smile).
I wanted as well to ask you about your family, Tim. You meet them
Do you like to spend time all together? I miss my family too much.
I hope to receive your letter soon. I send you two my pictures.
I hope you will like them. Sincerely and with the best regards.

Letter #4

Hi Tim! I was so very glad to receive your email today. I waited to
receive your email, and when I got your letter, it was a better time.
I was working with lots of stress today. Today we had to receive
and all pharmaceutical materials, including anesthetics. But for some
reasons the bus with medicines again has not come to our clinic. Of
I have declared to all patients that I can work but only without
anesthetics. But there were many people who were ready to cure a tooth
even without anesthesia because there is no guarantee that the bus will
come tomorrow. Therefore today was the twice difficult working day
not each person is able to endure a pain, especially children. Anyway,
I took a break and I have been informed that you had written. I forgot
all my worries with work. I wanted to write back instantly but I could
because of the flow of patients wishing to cure a tooth. So, thank you
your letter, Tim! Forgive me that I speak about a teeth and about my
work. Probably the process of reading about it is unpleasant, just like
sit in the armchair in dental cabinet... (Smile). I know that many
are afraid of dentists, but I assure you that as the woman I am
not dangerous and harmless! (smile).
Thank you for your picture. It is a fine picture. You are a strong and
handsome man. I very much like this picture. It is wonderful, when a
combines force and charm. It happens so seldom. Forgive me for my frank
words. But I always speak what I think. I think there is nothing bad in
You have pleasant appearance and it is wonderful.
I also want to tell you, that I have asked you in my last letter about
your family because it was always important for me. I think many people
don't understand completely that family it is a big riches. Many people
understand value of family only when lose it. I always loved my parents
and now I miss them very much. Both my parents have passed away. Daddy
died when I was the small child. He has been killed in a military
conflict. Mom has died when I was 16 years old. After daddy's death she
always was sick and spent a lot of time in hospitals. That is why I,
the little girl was able to do everything by self, I cooked a meal,
clothes, etc. I have been compelled to study and work in the evening to
support us. It was a hard time but it only made me stronger. At this
I have found the friend - her name is Natalia. She helped me in any
she could. She is my best friend now and the closest person in my life.
When mom has died I was frightened very much. I could not imagine that
I am absolutely alone. But my mom dreamt to bring me up so that I
a honest and decent lady. And I tried to do everything to be the worthy
daughter, to be worthy of her love. Together with Natalia we have
medical university, we together got the specialization and worked as
interns. And I hope I became a person, lady that my parents wanted me
become. I think that those pleasures and griefs, successes and
that were in my life have made me who I am now. Now it seems to me that
I was saying to my mom about my love too seldom, and now I so I regret
it. Tim, forgive me that I write about it. It is my life and it is
a part of me. Simply I want you to learn me more, because I as well
would be
glad to learn more about you. Your life is very interesting to me.
I wanted to ask, what is your religion? Are you religious? How you
your weekends, Tim? Do you like to spend time on the nature?
Tim, today was really good day, and right now I sit, write this
letter and I smile. And I hope that right now you read my letter, and
smiles too. By the way, my friends know that I am talking to you, and
start to ask many questions about you! (Smile). I must tell that all my
friends it only two ladies - Natalia and Svetlana. But if to take into
account that with one of them I work together in clinic, to avoid
interrogation about my new friend with a name Tim is more and more
difficultly! (Smile). Tim, I have to go. But I will wait your letter!
And I hope you will write me soon. And then I will have again a smile
on my face.
I send you some more my pictures.
Your friend Arina.