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Hi my dear friend Tim!
I so waited for your letter and I'm so glad that you have written to
Thank you. Every new day brings to me stronger desire to communicate
you and to receive your letters. And now my mood depends directly on
letters! My mood in your hands Tim! (Smile). I hope my letters do not
spoil your mood?
Tim, I want to tell that I am really glad that I have found
such a friend as you. And I am very glad to talk to you about
In my life I had always only two true friends - Natalia and Svetlana;
they always gave me their support. But now I have three friends, and
I am very glad. Today I have been a little alarmed, because Natalia has
come for work. It is a little strange because only the serious
could become the reason of that. She loves work very much and does not
like to stay at home. I simply worry that she got ill or has some
troubles. Yesterday we have spent evening together and everything was
normally. Natalia and Svetlana live not far from me. And if we spend
evening here, in Rog, it means that we sit at home because as a whole
for us it is simple a place for spending nights. It is a very small
We have here only one small grocery shop - the only one our pride
There is not anything more here. I cannot tell that I do not like this
place. The air here is very good and clean, very silent place and
beautiful nature. But here a lot of Chechens and it always frightens
people. But I like Rog all the same. And I am even not sure if I like
the small place in the middle of the forest, or I like more the big
Natalia does not like Rog and dreams to live in the big city, with
cinemas, museums, parks, with beautiful houses and shops, with
attractions. She likes cars roar and hum of people's crowd. And I love
as well, but I like as well our river and our forest, our air, our
silence, singing of birds behind my window. I never could make the
between of fast life of the big city and silence of small village.
Tim, what you like more, the big city or the small village?
By the way, my apartment is in the wooden house. It is the old house
my apartment is cosy. I have a bedroom, kitchen and a bathroom with a
I have a kitchen garden where I cultivate vegetables (carrots,
garlic and an onions), berries. Therefore in the winter I do not buy
a potato in the market at all! If Natalia and I have a lot of free
we go to the big settlements or even to Piatigorsk or Nalchik or
We like to go to movie, we like simply to walk in the parks, we like to
swim in small lake with turquoise water. Svetlana is 27 years old and
Natalia just as I is 30 years old, but sometimes we simply turn into
children. In the winter we often ride sleigh from huge snow hills
with children. Believe me Tim, it is very funny and I am sure that
if in your soul still lives "a little boy", you would enjoy it as well.
We like to ski and ice-skate. Every year in the summer we go to
of guitar songs. It is named ''Grushinsky Festival'' and it happen very
from us - on the known river - volga. It is a very beautiful festival.
Thousands people lives in tents on coast of the river. And during
days the most known guitar players and singers of Russia together with
simple people who at all does not know each other sing own songs for
other. Everyone cook a meal on campfire and everyone invites each other
test their own meal. Delightful atmosphere of kindness and peace. If we
spend time here, in Roge, we like to sew and knit together. We like to
knit and sew clothes. And usually we sew clothes for each other!
Tim, are you able to play a chess? I like to play a chess and checkers.
I think you would not have chances in game with me! (Smile). I very
much love
sports. I jog every morning since the childhood. I like to support my
and I really have good health. I lived in various climatic zones of
I have no car and always I spend a lot of time at the air. I do not
and sports in my life always takes a significant place. I like to play
(not the American football), I like to skate and a ski, I adore
I am a fine swimmer! And if we would swim together with you, you would
the big problem if would try to catch me in the water! (Smile). I
equally well
swim on a water surface and under water, not with an aqualung of
simply having detained breath. The only I want to learn to do - I want
to learn to box! It would give me biger courage on the dark street!
Could you give me some lessons? (Smile). Tim, I have to finish my
though I really do not want to do it. Right after work I will go to
to find out if she is ok. She will be glad when I will tell her that
you again
have written me! (Smile). Tim, do you have any regrets about anything
that you did in your life, and would you like to change it? What make
happy? What brings pleasure to you? What is one thing you could not
live without?
I send you two pictures. The one picture of me in shorts, another one
a picture of me and Natalia. I hope you will find me in a picture?
I am in a red skirt. Natalia is a woman with a cigarette(she really
I will wait your letter again, and I hope you will write me soon.
Your friend Arina.

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Letter #6

Hi Tim! This letter will be short because I at all haven't an
to write to you today. And I even don't know if you wrote me or not
today I even haven't an opportunity to check up a mail. I do not know
you wrote to me the answer to my last letter or not, but I will find
about it tomorrow. Today I only have an opportunity to write you a
and I have decided to use this opportunity of course, - simply to tell,
that I am thinking of you today. I want to tell that I am very glad
I speak with you. And our friendship has brought something new into my
And it is so wonderful! Tomorrow I will check up a mail and I will find
out if you have written to me or not. I hope that your letter waits for
me there!
Because if tomorrow I will come for work, and there will be no letter
from you there,
it will make me sad! But now I already have to go!
I only wanted to tell that I think of you!

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Letter  #8

Hi my dear friend Tim! I hope you are not offended that I said Dear?
Simply I think this word will help you to understand how I am glad and
happy that I have you as a friend! It has already changed my life, and
I want to tell that I very much appreciate and cherish our
And of course I always hope that you cherish our friendship as well!
I waited for your letter very much. And I am so glad that you have
As only the woman who works with a computer in laboratory can inform me
about your letter, I already some times visited her, and again and
I asked if she received a mail or not, but several times I heard the
negative answer because our Internet works only during receiving of
service mail. Therefore I could not receive your letter for some days.
I felt that absence of your letter afflicts me. But now she told me
I have got the letter and I am very happy! Thank you Tim! By the way,
when I has come to Natalia I has found out that she got food poisoning.
That is why she hasn't come to clinic. Do not worry, she was not been
poisoned by neighbours (smile). She cooked dried mushrooms, and, being
a bad expert on mushrooms she has not noticed among good mushrooms
of poisonous!!! So she has cooked a mushroom soup with several
mushrooms and of course eaten it! I have spent all the night in her
helping to clear her stomach. By the way, she asked to tell that she
you her HELLO!!! She is very glad that I have such friend as you!
Tim, I am really happy that we write to each other and that I can
share with you my thoughts. Sometimes I really need it. All people
that I am always ok and that in my life everything all right. But the
loneliness is a heavy cargo invisible to other people. And sometimes
I feel this cargo so hard, that all surrounding ceases to bring
And if you know what loneliness is, you of course will understand me.
I come home, I want to share with someone my pleasure, my thoughts, I
to cook a supper and to see dear man opposite me. I do not want to have
a supper in loneliness, I want to hear laughter, but instead of all
I hear silence. And it oppresses me, the empty house saddened my mood
I feel itself as a loneliness captive. And I do not know how to get rid
this. I can share my joy with Natalia, I can take the walk, or to
a sadness by music. But soon I start to understand that it simply
self-deception because I understand that actually I need something
I want to spend evenings and nights with a man, dear to my heart. I
to feel hands of my beloved in my hair, I want a man near to me so that
I could put my head onto his strong shoulder; I want a man near to me
to see
off the sunset together, and to meet the first morning sun beams of new
day. Forgive me that I tell you about it, but I hope you understand me.
Simply sometimes I feel grief in heart and the talking with you
my grief! But I think enough about these sad things. Say Hello to
Tim, can you imagine, now already evening! I began to write
some hours back, but could continue only now because I had some
Do you ever go to a forest for mushrooms and berries? Here it is very
popular. Every summer we go to the forest to search for mushrooms and
berries. Once upon a time we even have lost the way and have found road
already almost at night. And first we talked and laughed, being sure
soon we will find the way home. But when finally the darkness has
forest, we have become scared so, that we could not talk at all. We
shuddered because of each rustle and crunch. I remember we have stopped
front of the big bush because it seemed to Natalia that someone has
there. We have become numb, and we simply stood and looked at the
and rustled bush. We thought that it is a bear and now he will eat us.
at this moment from the bush has jumped out a small dog. It was so
suddenly and unexpectedly that first we simply stood and shouted for
seconds, and then have rushed off with such a speed, that likely we
establish a new world record! (smile). Of course the dog has been
frightened of our shout not less than we, and she, hiding a tail, has
rushed away in an opposite direction. It was so funny. I do not know
this dog thought of us, but I think this dog remembers us till now.
When we have become calmed down, we have seen that we are in several
from our village. I will never forget it. I feel I should change the
Tim, I believe in destiny, because many events in the life are simply
inexplicable. So a lot of events in the life of each of us when the
has already left us, when it seems that you will not ever see light in
end of tunnel of life; how often you hope and wait for something, but
suddenly happens something that changed everything in your life; and
everything that was in the past becomes simply unimportant and
insignificant. And you understand, that it is destiny. I already spoke
Tim that I am grateful to destiny for many events in my life, - for
events that I did not expect but which have changed my life and me. And
now I am grateful to destiny that I have found a good friend with whom
I can share my thoughts, pleasures and sadnesses. It is so wonderful!
name is - Tim. I hope my words do not offend you, Tim? I have
to finish, but I very much want to ask you something. What clothes you
to wear? What kind of clothes you like to see on a woman at home and at
the street? What physical features in the woman you like more? Do you
to kiss and to be kissed? Do you like to embrace your woman at the
How you like to celebrate holidays? How you celebrated your last
I want to congratulate you on a holiday of love. I hope that this day
brought to you a pleasure and smile. And today I was thinking of you as
about my Valentine! (Smile). It made me smile and brought warm emotions
into my soul. And of course I will think that I am your Valentine!
(Smile). At least it makes me feel like especial woman and my eyes
to sparkle with pleasure at this beautiful day and holiday!
I will hope to receive your answer as soon as possible. Write me
I already wait for your letter! Your lady friend Arina.

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Letter #8

This is where the bikini pics ccome in!!

Hi dear Tim.
Thank you again for your letter! Today I can write and I am very very
glad! Now the main moment of my day is expectation which eventually
changes to sincere joy because my friend Tim has written me his
letter! Thank you Tim! Each time I have small feeling of worry -
"What if Tim have not written me today?" But when I receive your
letter, everything becomes simply excellent, the smile does not leave
face and already nobody can overpersuade me that this day is a good
I hope Tim your day as well is filled with pleasure and nothing will
sadden your mood!? It is really wonderful, when in the life appears new
aspiration, new purpose, don't you agree? Without it life would lose
sense. Everyone has the purposes and dreams, small and big, some of
are easily accessible, some are beyond reach. Some dreams are like
that so beautifully sparkle that you want to touch them by your hand,
understanding at the same time that it is impossible. And how often
happens that you give years, you give all your forces to reach your
purpose; but all what you get is disappointment. And the thought, that
your dream already never will come true, brings a pain. But I think
worse if you at all have no dreams and purposes. The life without
and purposes is empty. Dreams and the purposes force people to rise
mountain top or to sink to oceans bottom, to conquer North Pole or to
on the Moon, to build family and to win on Olympic games. And when your
dream comes true, when you reach your purpose, you have tears of
joy in your eyes, and it is much more important than many things in our
life. And you will always remember these tears of joy, because these
will tell you that you really lived, dreamed, aspired and struggled.
Tim, what dreams you have, what are you waiting from the future?
What sort of life you are looking for now? I have noticed, that I often
start to ask myself these questions. 30 years old is not a lot, but it
not young age also. I often begin to think of what I have done in my
what purposes I have reached, what mistakes I made. I start to think of
the future more often, I began to estimate my past. Probably this age -
time to look back and to draw the certain conclusions, time to think
analyze a life, time to put new purposes and tasks. I begin to
that I already hardly will able ever to touch amazing stars, I
that many things in the life are not so simple as I thought; I
that great deal in my life will be otherwise than I thought. It is a
of reassessment of values. And probably it is high time to dream about
simple human happiness. You agree with me Tim? Enough about it.
Right now, behind window, the sleet like a tap-dancer beat off a
The window glass, deformed by melting snowflakes and water trickles,
reflects like old mirror a gloomy sight of the grey sky. And the wind
scornfully whistles between branches of naked trees. And everyone here,
glancing through window by indifferent empty eyes silently grumble
bad weather that spoils their mood and changes their plans. And I do
understand these people. How they can be so querulous? It is simply
snowfall with a rain - the gift of the nature, gift filling the air by
delightful freshness, bringing an amazing, almost imperceptible smell
coming spring. So many people in the world who dreams about rain; how
people who never saw a snow, who is deprived an opportunities to play
snowballs with friends. I always liked snowfall and rain. Tim, do you
like a rain? What season you like more, Tim? All seasons are
don't you think? The winter covers all around with a delightful white
Trees and roofs wear fluffy snow-hats and a frost draws by invisible
tassel amazing inimitable images on the windows glasses. And when you,
Tim, hear snow crunch under your foot, and the sky slowly showers you
with sparkling snowflakes, don't you want to take a slow walk with your
woman? Or when the delightful gold autumn begins the most beautiful
phenomenon in the nature - a fall of leafs? When the leaves, chased by
cool breeze, dances a waltz in the air and slowly fall downwards,
undressing trees. And when you, Tim, hear rustle of leaves under your
foot, and when in the sky you see a flock of birds flying away with sad
song, don't you want to take a slow walk with your woman? Or when you
behind your window an autumn thunder, or groans of blizzard, would you
enjoy being at home with your beloved, to enfold each other in a warm
plaid, and telling each other ridiculous and funny stories? I think it
a big happiness when people are able to value such things. And I think,
the couple are able to enjoy such things in a life, it only strengthens
feelings. How do you think, why people are divorcing? I am sure, now
think that I am rambling on. Forgive me please, Tim. I do not know
why I write you this. Probably because I feel conveniently in talking
you about such things. I will better stop, because I am afraid that
otherwise you will simply cease to write me. (Smile) Natalia has forced
to send you this my picture! (Smile). I hope you like it... Respect
picture! It only for your eyes! (Smile) With thoughts of you I will
for your letter!