The money Shot!!!!!
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This  is  the  money request  letter!!

Hi, my Tim.I even do not know what to tell first. I simply hope that you will behappy!
The most important, finest news - I did it! I got the visa! I am very
I as well have found out that I will get vacation March, 28, 2005.
I have been to the company that reserves airway tickets. I have asked
find the cheapest ticket up to any of these airports: LAX, ONT. And
have found the ticket. They answered that they had a cheaper ticket and
the beginning of the flight April, 1, 2005. I should fly to airport Los
Angeles (LAX).
It costs $ 887 USD. It was the best variant for me. I asked them to
reserve a ticket.
But they refused, because they can't reserve the ticket without advance
I must pay full cost. I have asked if I can pay a part of money now,
the other part later. They have told that it is possible, but I will be
limited by term. And if I will not pay the full cost of the ticket
of this term, I will lose already nested money. I have agreed because
is the only chance for me, because I must give to anti-emigration
committee a data about my payment. By this moment I had only the
sum of money which I had after all my expenses.
I paid $ 510 USD. But it was not enough for them. In a panic, all what
and I could do - we pawned our gold earrings and rings and I got $ 103
That is all I could do. The number of the flight on which I will get
the ticket is 31Delta Airlines
The time of departure from Moscow is 2:15 pm. The time of arrival in
Los Angeles is 9:05 pm.
I will change a plan in New York (JFK), number of the flight 369 Delta
After this I will fly to Los Angeles, to you.
I know that probably I simply must tell that I can't come to you
I haven't the remaining sum. I know that I promised to do all by self,
I was sure that I can. I did not want to ask you. But after I did
everything I did,
I cannot simply tell that I will not come to you. I have passed through
many difficulties, and I have overcome the most difficult. But all the
same I have disgusting feeling that I could not fulfill the promise. I
always ready to do all what is possible,- to fulfill my promises, but
the same time I understand that any person could get in such a
To get the visa I have spent much more money than I expected. But
were ready to help me only if I will pay them. I paid more than 300
dollars to get all documents, I paid in municipal committee, in the
ministry. Even officers in army garrison have compelled me to pay for
their help. I did not expect all this, but up to the last moment I was
sure that I still can make everything. I expected that I can get a
vacation payment. We get a vacation payment after ending of a vacation.
I asked to give me this money now because I need this money urgently.
at the last moment I have got the answer that I can get this money
only in case of serious illness or for example in case of death of the
relative. I feel so guilty. I was sure that nothing can prevent our
But I must pay remaining sum. It is $ 274 USD. And I must pay money
before March 21, evening. Otherwise I will lose my nested money
and our jewelry will be sold out simply in vain. I know that I should
not ask
you, and I am very ashamed to do it. And maybe I really simply had to
you that I can't meet with you because I could not provide my travel
completely. But I cannot simply refuse our meeting because then all my
diligence, forces, nerves, means will be spent in vain. I understand
for you it is too big sum to lend me. You are not obliged to help me.
300 dollars which I have spent to get the visa, and 613 $ that I have
given for the ticket are huge money for me. But I want you to know that
have given everything not for the sake of myself, but for the sake of
for the sake of you and me. And I was happy all this time. If you want
meet me, to help me to make our meeting, please, send money to the help
before March 21, evening. I want you to be confident in my sincerity,
that is why I send you the view of my visa. I want you to see the
result of my efforts.
I do not know if you want to help me or already not. But you have told
I should let you know if there is anything you can do to help me. I
believe you
even though I am afraid to ask. But I have no other exit. I need you.
If you can help me I will tell you what I have found out. Natalia said
that you
can help me with the help of remittance system. So I have addressed to
nearest bank. I have been told that they use the system ''Western
They have told that it is very convenient office for me; and this
system works
always and reliably. I give you necessary elements for sending money
with the help of ''Western Union'':
Moscow Industrial Bank
Pushkinskaya 121
Budennovsk, 356800
for Arina Gurkina.
In bank I have been told, that to get the money, I must tell to
employee of bank
your full name, your full address, exact sum which I should receive and
confidential numbers - Money Transfer Control Number. You will get this
in your bank if you will send your help. Only with presence of all this
I can get your help.
I do not know what answer I will get from you. I very much am afraid
that you
will not help me. But I want to tell, that I really need you, and I
simply can't endure
the thought that I did almost everything, but I will not meet you. I
understand that
it is big money. I have given all my forces, but together we are
stronger. I really
ask you to help me. I will give you back all your money at the earliest
I have written you honestly and sincerely. Are you with me?
Your Arina.

Letter from U.S. Embassy in Moscow

Dear Mr. Jones,
There have been no US visas issued for the person you mentioned below.

Please be aware that there is a very common internet scam to defraud
American men whereby people create false Internet profiles and send what
appear to be legitimate correspondences.

They usually misinform the victim about travel expenses that do not exist
and/or they inflate the cost of the expenses that do exist. They lure the
American in with e-mails, pictures, phone calls, fake visas. and even
e-mails from fake travel agencies in an attempt to prove their good
intentions. Almost always something happens and they "can't leave the
country". They either "get injured and are in the hospital" and a "member of
the family" contacts you for more money or a "member of the family" needs an
emergency operation and therefore will need more money, or they are stuck at
the airport and are not allowed to board until they can show they have xxx
amount of dollars to cover their expenses while in the US.

At some point they claim to have been robbed of the money that was sent or
claim that they are detained at the airport. Again, their purpose is not to
immigrate to the US, but to get as much money as possible from the victim.
Many men have lost anywhere between to ,000 because they continued
to send money without suspicion. Most of these scammers are actually men who
are paying women a minimal fee to sit and pose for pictures and to pick up
the money at the Western Union.

We hope this information has been helpful.
Consular Fraud Prevention Unit
US Embassy, Moscow, Russia